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Why Choose Sangam?
Genuine Profiles | Safe & Secure | Detailed Family Information
Choose from government verified profiles
Feel safe, we manually verify authenticity of profiles using government ID proofs like Pan card, Aadhar card, Driving License.
Community matches with detailed family information
Feel at home with the right partner and family. With over 80 community sites where each match is backed with detailed family backgrounds.
Enable your search without any barrier
Embark on your journey to find your perfect match now available in multiple languages.
Over 40,000+ Happy Stories
If like thousands of couples, you too met your one-and-only on Sangam.com, we'd love to hear all about it. It's our favorite part of what we do!
Mehnaz Fatima Syed Rizwan Hashmi
My brother has created my profile on Shaadi.com, I was not actually using my profile it was my brother who was actually handling the profile. After that Rizwan saw my profile, he contacted my father and talked to him. Since , he was living in Hyderabad and I was in Lucknow so me and my family members were not sure that whether we should move forward about this or not. After that Rizwan and I also talked with each other and then he came with his family to Lucknow , since both families liked each other and Rizwan and I also found compatibility with each other so finally we got married.

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Anshuman Bhavana
Its a beautiful story and I would love to share more in person. Of course, I am super thankful to shaadi.com because that is where I met my love, Bhavana. I pinged her on 14th May, she take ok her own sweet time to respond but finally on 21st May we started talking. Our first chat was a lifetime record 7.5 hours straight - and neither of us is known for talking a lot! We couldnt stop talking ever since. On 25th May we video chatted. That night I slept soundly for the first time since I had started looking out and the next morning I woke up with a smile - I knew then that she was the one for me. Since she was based out of Kabul, we couldnt meet right then but I waited for her arrival and when she landed in Delhi on the 14th of June and rushed into my arms, I knew we had both fallen for each other. We both started out on Shaadi.com looking for a match, neither expected to find a soulmate. Both of us are known in our circles for playing it safe, but here, when it came to each other, there was no doubt. We were engaged in less than 10 days of having met! It is truly a dream come true!

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Sandesh Koyal
On 25th July 2018, I got request from Koyal. Going through her profile I found that it matched all my preferences. We started chatting on the same portal. On the very first day we were comfortable enough. As some days passed, we became good friends to share what we felt for each other. Having this feeling in our hearts that we found our companion for life, we both shared the same with our families. After having some formal talks among the families, we both got hitched for life. Thanks to Shaadi.com and team Shaadi for playing an important part and setting the most beautiful turning point of our lives.:) :)

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About Sangam
Sangam is a trusted matchmaking service created for parents who are looking for a life partner for their loved ones. Unlike other Matrimonial services, we focus on providing trustworthy detailed family and background information to help you take the next step with confidence. With over 80+ community sites, you can find a match from your own community. Sangam is part of Shaadi.com (sometimes mis-spelt as Shadi), the World's No. 1 Matchmaking service.